About Nicole



When she puts her magical touch on an event, you know it.

Just a swipe of her wand (AKA pen and planner) and a TV studio becomes an electric space of slinky chandeliers and a glowing dance floor. A tiresome mall transforms into a lavish art gallery and lively bistro. A barren warehouse is now a energetic fitness destination of fresh juices, workouts and wellness.

This is Nicole Guilmartin Events – full-scale event planning and performance that knows no boundaries. She takes raw spaces and reinvents them with creative concepts only true illusionists could envision and employ. No actual hocus pocus. Just serious talent.

Nicole has a huge bag of tricks, gathered from years of sitting at the (elegantly set) table with industry A-listers. Her experience portfolio reads like a Who’s Who.Throughout her tenure she has stunned with such events as the cabaret-themed Boston Arts Academy Annual Benefit at the MFA, Cambridge Community Foundation Centennial at MIT Media Lab and dozens of other private events and celebrations.

Consider her an event whisperer, calmly managing the entire project from start to finish (translation: everyone and everything is under her soothing spell and all ducks happily fall into a row). Collaborative and innovative projects are her passion, as she dreams up the unusual and sees it through to completion.

A Bryant University grad with a business degree in marketing, when she’s not executing the events of a lifetime, Nicole is taking cues from Mother Nature  - hiking or skiing when the weather gives the green light. She gets her Zen on as a certified yoga instructor, but still knows how to amp things up with spin and barre. While movement feeds her active and creative mind, Nicole doesn’t discount a relaxing day at home in Andover with her own party of three – husband Joe, young son Joseph, and dog Henry.